Linguistic Intelligence and Resilience of Local Cultural Identity Though Banyumasan Language in Early Childhood Learning


Layla Mardliyah


This article attempts to describe early childhood learning in developing language competence. Especially the Javanese language and its culture as a form of resilience to local cultural identity that is introduced early on. The use of the Banyumasan Javanese language is currently experiencing a crisis, especially in the younger generation, the majority of whom are more fluent in Indonesian than the local Javanese language in Banyumasan. For that, it needs the cooperation of all parties in civilizing and resilience, especially in Banyumasan Javanese language. This study uses a qualitative approach, the data obtained through observation, interviews, focus group discussions on early childhood education teachers. The data is processed using the theory of Miles and Huberman through the process of reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification. the validity of the data through triangulation techniques as a process of strengthening and clarification. The finding of the study can be described as follows: learning activities to introduce Javanese language to early childhood are carried out once a week through play activities, such as children being asked to count numbers from 1 to 10 using Javanese language, in addition, the singing method in Javanese is used as a way to children  accustomed to hearing and reciting Javanese dialects. Activities to introduce the Javanese language are integrated into learning themes such as the theme of love for motherland which introduces children to the culture and dialect of the Banyumasan language.


UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri







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