1. Au, D.W., Smith, S.E., and Show, C. 2008. Shark productivity and reproductive protection, and a comparison with teleosts. In Sharks of the open ocean: biology, fisheries and conservation. Edited by M.D. Camhi, E.K. Pikitch, and E.A. Babcock. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, U.K. pp. 298–308.
2. Effects of recreational and commercial fishing on blue sharks (Prionace glauca) in Atlantic Canada, with inferences on the North Atlantic population
3. Campana, S., Joyce, W., Marks, L., Hurley, P., Natanson, L.J., Kohler, N.E., Jensen, C.F., and Myklevoll, S. 2008. The rise and fall (again) of the porbeagle shark population in the Northwest Atlantic. In Sharks of the open ocean: biology, fisheries and conservation. Edited by M.D. Camhi, E.K. Pikitch, and E.A. Babcock. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, U.K. pp. 445–461.
4. Bycatch and discard mortality in commercially caught blue sharks Prionace glauca assessed using archival satellite pop-up tags
5. Discards, hooking, and post-release mortality of porbeagle (Lamna nasus), shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus), and blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the Canadian pelagic longline fishery