Postrelease exploration and diel activity of hatchery, wild, and hybrid strain brown trout in seminatural streams


Alioravainen Nico1,Prokkola Jenni M.12,Lemopoulos Alexandre13,Härkönen Laura4,Hyvärinen Pekka5,Vainikka Anssi1


1. University of Eastern Finland, Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, P.O. Box 111, FI-80101 Joensuu, Finland.

2. University of Helsinki, Organismal and Evolutionary Biology Research Programme, P.O. Box 65, FI-00014 Helsinki, Finland.

3. University of Geneva, Department of Genetics and Evolution, Quai Ernest-Ansermet 30, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland.

4. Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Aquatic Population Dynamics, P.O. Box 413, FI-90014 University of Oulu, Finland.

5. Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Aquatic Population Dynamics, Manamansalontie 90, FI-88300 Paltamo, Finland.


Behaviour that is adaptive in captivity may be maladaptive in the wild and compromise postrelease survival of hatchery fish. The understanding of behavioural variation displayed immediately after release could help to improve hatchery protocols and development of behavioural tests for assessing the fitness of fish reared for releases. We characterized the postrelease behaviour of common-garden-raised offspring of wild resident, captive-bred migratory, and hybrid brown trout (Salmo trutta) in two experiments: in small artificial channels and in high and low densities in seminatural streams. The results from seminatural streams showed that hatchery fish were more likely to disperse downstream from the initial stocking site compared with hybrid and wild strain fish. The small-scale experiment did not reveal this ecologically pivotal difference in postrelease performance among strains, and individual responses were inconsistent between the experiments. Circadian activity patterns did not differ among strains. These detailed observations of postrelease behaviour reveal important intrinsic differences in dispersal traits among brown trout strains and suggest that selective breeding and crossbreeding can substantially affect these traits.


Canadian Science Publishing


Aquatic Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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