Intermittent lower-limb occlusion enhances recovery after strenuous exercise


Beaven Christopher Martyn12,Cook Christian John134,Kilduff Liam5,Drawer Scott1,Gill Nicholas6


1. United Kingdom Sports Council, London, UK.

2. Swedish Winter Sports Research Centre, Department of Health Sciences, Mittuniversitetet 831 25, Östersund, Sweden.

3. Hamlyn Centre, Institute of Global Health Innovation, Imperial College, London, UK.

4. Sport, Health and Exercise Science, University of Bath, Bath, UK.

5. Health and Sport Portfolio, Swansea University, Swansea, UK.

6. Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, NZ.


Repeated cycles of vascular occlusion followed by reperfusion initiate a protective mechanism that acts to mitigate future cell injury. Such ischemic episodes are known to improve vasodilation, oxygen utilization, muscle function, and have been demonstrated to enhance exercise performance. Thus, the use of occlusion cuffs represents a novel intervention that may improve subsequent exercise performance. Fourteen participants performed an exercise protocol that involved lower-body strength and power tests followed by repeated sprints. Occlusion cuffs were then applied unilaterally (2 × 3-min per leg) with a pressure of either 220 (intervention) or 15 mm Hg (control). Participants immediately repeated the exercise protocol, and then again 24 h later. The intervention elicited delayed beneficial effects (24 h post-intervention) in the countermovement jump test with concentric (effect size (ES) = 0.36) and eccentric (ES = 0.26) velocity recovering more rapidly compared with the control. There were also small beneficial effects on 10- and 40-m sprint times. In the squat jump test there were delayed beneficial effects of occlusion on eccentric power (ES = 1.38), acceleration (ES = 1.24), and an immediate positive effect on jump height (ES = 0.61). Thus, specific beneficial effects on recovery of power production and sprint performance were observed both immediately and 24 h after intermittent unilateral occlusion was applied to each leg.


Canadian Science Publishing


Physiology (medical),Nutrition and Dietetics,Physiology,General Medicine,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism







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