Patterning and cell differentiation inHydra: novel genes and the limits to conservation


Bosch Thomas C.G,Khalturin Konstantin


In the last few years more than 100 genes have been identified from Hydra, and well over 80 have been characterized. Since most genes are homologs of genes found in bilaterians, the genetic mechanisms for axial patterning and cell differentiation are evolutionarily conserved. This constitutes something of a paradox. If key developmental-control genes are the same in Hydra and all other organisms, how does one account for the marked differences in development and morphology of the different animal groups? How are taxon-specific features encoded? To examine whether in Hydra, in addition to conserved mechanisms, there are genetic features that control uniquely taxon-specific (Hydra/Hydrozoa/Cnidaria) aspects, we used an experimental strategy that does not require sequence data from related taxa. By means of this unbiased ("knowledge-independent") approach we have identified genes from Hydra encoding signal molecules and effector genes with no sequence similarity to genes in other organisms. When tested functionally, the novel genes were found to be essential for axial patterning and differentiation of Hydra-specific characteristics. Experimental analysis of the cis-regulatory apparatus of these novel genes reveals target sites for novel trans-acting factors. The use of unbiased screening approaches for several other organisms also reveals a large number of novel and taxon-specific genes of as yet unknown function. Thus, comparative data alone may not be sufficient for gaining a full understanding of the development of taxon-specific characteristics.


Canadian Science Publishing


Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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