The ash-free dry mass (AFDM) of detritus, invertebrates, and algae in the diet of juvenile white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) was determined by quantitative microscopy. Fish were collected from a northern Michigan pond from January through October 1986 and their seasonal diet was compared with benthc invertebrate abundance. The quantity of detritus in sucker foreguts was inversely related to benthic microcrustacean densities. In July, microcrustacean densities were high and they comprised 95% of the AFDM in foregut contents. By October, microcrustacean densities had declined to 13% of their maximum density and detritus comprised over 90% of the sucker's diet AFDM. In laboratory aquaria, sucker that were fed detritus mixed with four different densities of Artemia ingested significantly more detritus from diets that provided lower Artemia densities. In the presence of high Artemia densities, sucker completely rejected detritus and ingested only Artemia, The fact that juvenile sucker can separate detritus from invertebrates that they swallow demonstrates that detritus is not ingested incidentally. Both laboratory and field data support the hypothesis that detritus is ingested intentionally when preferred invertebrate prey are scarce.
Canadian Science Publishing
Aquatic Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
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39 articles.