1. Ami, H.M. 1900. Synopsis of the geology of Canada (being a summary of the principal terms employed in Canadian geological nomenclature). Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 2nd Series, Vol. 6, Section 4. pp. 187–225.
2. Boucot, A.J. 1962. Appalachian Silurian–Devonian. In Some Aspects of the Variscan Fold Belt. Edited by K. Coe. Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK. pp. 155–163.
3. Boucot, A.J., Field, M.T., Fletcher, R., Forbes, W.H., Naylor, R.S., and Pavlides, L. 1964. Reconnaissance bedrock geology of the Presque Isle Quadrangle, Maine. Maine Geological Survey, Quadrangle Mapping Series No. 2. 123 p.
4. Lithostratigraphic Framework and Unified Nomenclature for Silurian and Basal Devonian Rocks in Eastern Gaspé Peninsula, Québec
5. Sea level, synsedimentary tectonics, and reefs: implications for hydrocarbon exploration in the Silurian-lowermost Devonian Gaspe Belt, Quebec Appalachians