1. Akerley, B.J. 1961. Establishment report — Cleaning and thinning young fir, 1961 Project M-443-59. Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Forestry Branch, Maritimes District, Fredericton, N.B. Internal report.
2. Baskerville, G.L. 1959. Establishment report — Cleaning and thinning young fir, 1959 Project M-443-59. Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Forestry Branch, Maritimes District, Fredericton, N.B. Internal report.
3. Baskerville, G.L. 1961. Establishment report — Cleaning and thinning young fir, 1960 Project M-443-59. Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Forestry Branch, Maritimes District, Fredericton, N.B. Internal report.
4. Baskerville, G.L. 1965a. Progress report — Cleaning and thinning young fir, 1959 Project M-443–59. Department Forestry, Maritimes District, Fredericton, N.B. Internal report.
5. Baskerville, G.L. 1965b. Dry-matter production in immature balsam fir stands. For. Sci. Monogr.9.