Revision of the Genus Salmincola Wilson, 1915 (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae)


Kabata Z.


The morphology of the genus Salmincola is reviewed and its relationship to the genus Achtheres examined. Four species of Achtheres are transferred to Salmincola: A. coregonorum, A. extensus, A. strigatus, and A. corpulentus. The taxonomy of the genus is based on new and more reliable criteria, mainly on the details of the appendages. The structure of the second antenna and of the maxilliped, as well as the type of the bulla, are regarded as best recognition marks. All species of Salmincola are redescribed with these criteria in mind and the genus is recognized as having 15 species. A key to the species is given.The genus is divided into two subgenera. Subgenus Salmincola (Salmincola) is parasitic mainly on Salmonidae and is distinguished by the well-developed claw of the maxilliped. Subgenus Salmincola (Brevibrachia) is parasitic exclusively on Coregonidae and is distinguished by the vestigial claw of the maxilliped.Species of Salmincola fall into one of three categories: circumpolar, continental, and bicontinental. The first category comprises five species: S. carpionis, S. edwardsii (parasites of Salvelinus), S. thymalli (parasite of Thymallus), S. extensus, and S. extumescens (parasites of the coregonids). The continental species are subdivided into Palearctic and Nearctic. There are seven Palearctic species: S. coregonorum, S. stellatus, S. lotae, S. cottidarum, S. nordmanni, S. strigatus, and S. jacuticus. Only one Nearctic species is known, S. siscowet. Two species are bicontinental: S. salmoneus has a distribution straddling the Atlantic Ocean and S. californiensis is a Pacific species, found in North America and Asia.


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