1. Chloride Penetration in Nonsaturated Concrete
2. ASTM. 2003a. Standard test method for sampling and testing of concrete masonry units and related units. ASTM standard C140-03. In Annual book of American Society for Testing and Materials standards 2004, West Conshohocken, Pa. pp. 98–107.
3. ASTM. 2003b. Standard test method for evaluating the freeze-thaw durability of manufactured concrete masonry units and related concrete units. ASTM standard C1262-98. In Annual book of American Society for Testing and Materials standards 2004, West Conshohocken, Pa. pp. 836–839.
4. ASTM. 2003c. Standard specification for segmental retaining wall units. ASTM standard C1372-01a. In Annual book of American Society for Testing and Materials standards 2004, West Conshohocken, Pa. pp. 904–906.
5. ASTM. 2004a. Standard test method for measurement of rate of absorption of water by hydraulic cement concretes. ASTM standard C1585-04. In Annual book of the American Society for Testing and Materials standards 2004, West Conshohocken, Pa. pp. 803–808.