Structural controls on hypozonal orogenic gold mineralization in the La Ronge Domain, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Saskatchewan


Lafrance Bruno,Heaman Larry M


The La Ronge Domain is a granite–greenstone belt in the Saskatchewan segment of the ca. 1.9–1.8 Ga Trans-Hudson Orogen. The La Ronge volcanic arc was accreted to the Archean Hearne craton from ca. 1.87 to 1.86 Ga. Subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath the accreted La Ronge – Hearne margin produced a voluminous suite of continental-arc intrusions. In the Waddy Lake area, the 1852.6 ± 1.5 Ma Corner Lake stock and 1859 ± 4 Ma and 1861 ± 2 Ma feldspar porphyry dykes crystallized from magmas generated from melting of the subducted oceanic slab. During the ca. 1.83–1.80 Trans-Hudson collision of the Hearne craton with the Archean Sask and Superior cratons, a penetrative regional foliation and a steeply plunging lineation formed within the La Ronge Domain. During further contraction across the domain, the deformation became localized in dextral and oblique-slip shear zones that generally follow contacts between more competent and less competent rock units. Orogenic gold mineralization is associated with quartz veins that are surrounded by hypozonal potassic and sulfidic alteration zones. The Komis gold deposit, the only past-producing gold mine in the Waddy Lake area, formed in the strain shadow of the Round Lake stock during the development of the regional foliation and lineation. Mineralization is associated with quartz veins that cut through tonalite dykes that behaved more brittlely than the surrounding metavolcanic rocks. The Golden Heart and Corner Lake gold deposits are hosted by south-side-up oblique-slip shear zones, which belong to a regional system of structures that extend from Saskatchewan to Manitoba.


Canadian Science Publishing


General Earth and Planetary Sciences

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