Root rot caused by Poria weirii Murr. occurred when healthy roots of Douglas fir came into contact with inoculum in infected roots of the previous stand. Mycelium grew ectotrophically on the bark of the Douglas fir roots, frequently well in advance of growth in the wood, and penetrated to living tissues directly through sound as well as injured bark. Spread of the disease to adjacent trees took place where healthy and diseased roots were in contact, the mycelium apparently spreading to only a very limited extent through natural soil. It was shown that mycelium could invade roots of trees felled for at least 12 months and Douglas fir heartwood that had been buried in soil for at least 12 months. Viable Poria mycelium was isolated from infected roots as small as 2 cm in diameter 11 years after the trees had been cut. While Douglas fir and western hemlock appeared to be quite susceptible to infection, western red cedar, red alder, and bigleaf maple showed considerable resistance.
Canadian Science Publishing
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