1. Does interference competition with wolves limit the distribution and abundance of coyotes?
2. Beyer, D.E., Jr., Peterson, R.O., Vucetich, J.A., and Hammill, J.H. 2009. Wolf population changes in Michigan. In Recovery of gray wolves in the Great Lakes region of the United States: an endangered species success story. Edited by A.P. Wydeven, T.R. Van Deelen, and E.J. Heske. Springer-Verlag, New York. pp. 65–85.
3. Clarke, C.H.D. 1970. Wolf management in Ontario. In Proceedings of a Symposium on Wolf Management in Selected Areas of North America. Edited by S.E. Jorgensen, C.E. Faulkner, and L.D. Mech. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Twin Cities, Minn. pp. 19–23.
4. Problems with the claim of ecotype and taxon status of the wolf in the Great Lakes region