Feeding Behaviour of Cod (Gadus morhua)


Brawn V. M.


Cod 5–90 cm long in captivity used sight to detect food in midwater. Movement of food stimulated feeding but was not essential when feeding on familiar foods. Adult cod could detect and capture falling food down to 2 mm in diameter. Large pieces of food on the bottom were found by sight but smaller pieces were taken after being detected by taste buds on the trailing barbel and pelvic fin rays. Cod were able to detect odours from many live, intact algae, invertebrates, and fish. Food below gravel or stones was located by smell and uncovered by carrying away gravel in the mouth or by rolling stones aside with the head. Food covered by sand was not found. Some live food was captured in the dark. Cod groups fed more effectively than single cod as food deeply buried was uncovered by several fish digging in the same place; food too large for one fish was pulled apart between fish and feeding behaviour by one fish attracted others to the vicinity of food. Thus shoaling of cod may be advantageous to the species by enabling more food to be obtained from a given area.Larval cod reared from eggs first fed 4 days after hatching. Moving particles were followed by eye movements and captured by swimming forward and snapping if the particles moved in front of the head. Eight days after hatching the cod larvae began to feed on fine stationary particles by removing them from the respiratory water flow.


Canadian Science Publishing

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