Geology, geochemistry, and geochronology of the central Giants Range batholith, northeastern Minnesota


Boerboom Terrence J.,Zartman Robert E.


The Giants Range batholith is a large composite granitoid body that intrudes deformed supracrustal rocks in the western part of the Wawa Subprovince of the Archean Superior Province. Peak fabric development in the supracrustal rocks coincides with D2 deformation, the product of regional transpression across the southern Superior Province. U–Pb zircon ages on two phases of the Giants Range batholith bracket D2 deformation to an interval between 2685 and 2669 Ma. Two well-exposed components of the central part of the Giants Range batholith are the pre- to syn-D2 Britt granodiorite, which contains a linear D2 metamorphic fabric, and the syn- to post-D2 Shannon Lake granite, which cuts deformation fabrics in the Britt granodiorite and the supracrustal rocks. Geochemical discrimination plots imply emplacement of the Britt granodiorite in an arc environment and the Shannon Lake granite in a collision setting. Zircons yield U–Pb ages of 2681 ± 4 and 2685 ± 4 Ma for the Britt granodiorite and 2674 ± 5 and 2674 ± 27 Ma for the Shannon Lake granite. Timing of D2 deformation near the Giants Range batholith corresponds well with similar rocks exposed along strike 170 km to the east near Shebandowan Lake, Ontario, where the end of D2 deformation has been bracketed between 2692 and 2681 Ma. The slightly younger ages for D2 deformation in Minnesota reflect later volcanic-arc development and associated plutonism than at Shebandowan Lake, possibly due to oblique convergence along a westward-migrating tectonic front.


Canadian Science Publishing


General Earth and Planetary Sciences







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