Morphophysiological dormancy in seeds of six endemic lobelioid shrubs (Campanulaceae) from the montane zone in Hawaii


Baskin Carol C.123,Baskin Jerry M.123,Yoshinaga Alvin123


1. Department of Biology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0225, USA, and Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546-0312, USA.

2. Department of Biology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0225, USA.

3. Center for Conservation Research and Training, 3050 Maile Way, Gilmore No. 409, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA.


The purpose of this study was to investigate seed dormancy breaking and germination requirements of six woody Hawaiian endemic lobelioids (Campanulaceae). Seeds of all species had underdeveloped, physiologically dormant embryos and thus morphophysiological dormancy. Fresh seeds of Clermontia pyrularia Hillebr. and Trematolobelia macrostachys (Hook. & Arnott) A. Zahlbr. did not germinate during 4 weeks of incubation in light at 15/6, 20/10, or 25/15 °C, whereas those of Clermontia fauriei H. Lev., Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock, Clermontia kakeana Meyen, and Cyanea angustifolia (Cham.) Hillebr. germinated to 61%–85% but only at 25/15 °C. Since seeds of the latter four species eventually germinated to 84%–100% when incubated for 12–36 weeks at the three temperature regimes, fresh seeds had conditional dormancy; the physiological component of morphophysiological dormancy was nondeep. Seeds of Trematolobelia macrostachys also came out of dormancy (and germinated to 90%) during 18 weeks of incubation at each of the three temperatures regimes, whereas those of Clermontia pyrularia did so only at 15/6 °C. Simulated seasonal temperature variations did not promote dormancy break and germination in any species except Clermontia pyrularia , in which a 12-week incubation period at 25/15 °C resulted in 90% germination after seeds were moved to 20/10 °C. Seeds of all species had an absolute light requirement for germination except those of Clermontia pyrularia, which germinated to 48% in darkness. Since seeds of the six species only require high temperatures for embryo growth and the breaking of physiological dormancy, they have nondeep simple morphophysiological dormancy.


Canadian Science Publishing


Plant Science

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