Polarized atomic radiative emission in electric and magnetic fields1This article is part of a Special Issue on the 10th International Colloquium on Atomic Spectra and Oscillator Strengths for Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas.


Jacobs Verne L.1


1. Center for Computational Materials Science, Code 6390, Materials Science and Technology Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. 20375-5345, USA.


A reduced density matrix approach is employed to provide a general theoretical description of polarized radiative emission during single-photon transitions from bound and auto-ionizing states of many-electron atomic systems in the presence of a general arrangement of static (or quasi-static) electric and magnetic fields. Polarized radiative emission from partially ionized atomic systems can occur as a result of the excitation of the radiating atomic states by electrons or ions with an anisotropic velocity distribution, which can be produced in an electron or ion beam experiment, and in a non-equilibrium plasma environment. Polarized radiative emission can also be produced or modified during the excitation of the atomic system in the presence of electric and magnetic fields, and electromagnetic fields. In electric and magnetic fields, the normally overlapping angular momentum projection components of atomic spectral lines can be substantially shifted from their field-free positions and split into spectroscopically resolvable (and inherently polarized) features. Because of the breakdown of the field-free angular momentum and parity selection rules, otherwise forbidden components of atomic spectral lines can be generated. Using a representation based on the field-free many-electron atomic states, the Stark–Zeeman patterns can be determined by a diagonalization of the atomic Hamiltonian in the presence of electric and magnetic fields. In the density operator approach, account can be taken of the coherent excitation of a particular subspace of the initial atomic bound or auto-ionizing states. A general expression for the matrix elements of the detected-photon density operator is obtained and provides a unified framework for the analysis of the spectral intensity, angular distribution, and polarization of the Stark–Zeeman patterns. From a unified development of time-domain (equation-of-motion) and frequency-domain (resolvent-operator) formulations of the more comprehensive reduced density matrix approach, the non-equilibrium atomic state kinetics and the homogeneous spectral line shapes can be systematically and self-consistently described.


Canadian Science Publishing


General Physics and Astronomy

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