Behar-Bannelier Monique,Sharma Rajendra N.,Murray Robert K.
The use of L-[35S]methionine (500–700 Ci/mmol (1 Ci = 37 GBq)) for labelling the polypeptides of liver rough (R) and smooth (S) endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane fractions in vivo was studied. Adult mice were injected intraperitoneally with 400 μCi of the isotope and killed at various times (2 min to 24 h) thereafter. RER and SER fractions were prepared, stripped of ribosomes, and treated with Triton X-100 to remove intravesicular contents. Sufficient radioactivity was present in individual aliquots (75 μg protein) of the ER membrane fractions to permit their analysis by fluorography after separation by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels containing sodium dodecyl sulphate. By 3 min, although the majority of the labelled components were of intravesicular origin, some 12 membrane polypeptides were labelled in the RER fraction (including one corresponding in migration to cytochrome P-450); some 6 of these latter polypeptides were labelled to a lesser degree in the SER membrane fraction at this time. By 5 min, the patterns of radioactive polypeptides of the RER and SER fractions (including both membrane and intravesicular components) were identical. By 7 min, some 28 labelled membrane polypeptides were detectable in the total microsomal membrane. Analysis of the 24-h samples revealed that all the membrane polypeptides seen by staining with Coomassie blue were visualised by fluorography. Other studies revealed the applicability of the approach used for producing highly labelled cell sap and serum proteins. The overall results demonstrate the suitability of L-[35S]methionine administered in vivo for producing mouse liver ER membrane polypeptides of relatively high radioactivity and are consistent with a rapid conversion of RER to SER by ribosome detachment or membrane flow.
Canadian Science Publishing
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4 articles.