Sparkuhl Joachim,Setterfield George
Both nongrowing (water-incubated) and growing (hormonally stimulated) Jerusalem artichoke tuber cells contain membrane-bound (mb) ribosomes. Using a rapid flotation procedure, a membrane fraction was prepared from both types of cells. This fraction was enriched in mb ribosomes, contained NADH cytochrome c reductase activity, had RNA:phospholipid and RNA:protein ratios similar to those reported for rough microsomes from animal tissues, and supported synthesis of preinitiated proteins in vitro. Using puromycin and detergent release, vectorial transport of labelled polypeptides was measured in the in vitro system. Of proteins made by mb ribosomes from nongrowing cells, only 12% remained associated with microsome membranes following chain termination. The comparable figure for proteins from mb ribosomes of growing tissue was 42%. The membrane-associated proteins were preferentially protected from protease digestion. Some possible reasons are suggested for the correlation between cell growth and the association of newly synthesized proteins with microsomes. The role of proteins synthesized by mb ribosomes but not vectorially transported, in both growing and nongrowing cells, is unknown.
Canadian Science Publishing