Cole Michael B,Russell Kevin R,Mabee Todd J
Although headwater streams constitute a significant portion of stream length within watersheds, their aquatic fauna, contributions to regional biodiversity, and responses to forest management have been understudied. Ma cro in ver te brate communities, physical habitat, and water chemistry were sampled from 40 headwater streams in managed forests in the Oregon Coast Range mountains. We characterized functional and structural attributes of ma cro in ver te brate communities in relation to physical, chemical, and biological gradients. Substrate composition, specific conductance, and riparian forest age showed the strongest correlations with resultant ordination patterns in ma cro in ver te brate community composition. Among individual metrics of community structure and composition, total ma cro in ver te brate density and dominance by three taxa showed the strongest correlations with forest age. No community measures were related to densities of torrent salamanders (Rhyacotriton kezeri) or crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus), suggesting these potential predators had little influence on overall ma cro in ver te brate community structure. Rare taxa were sampled from several reaches, including Rhyacophila probably viquaea for which little information is available, and an Eobrachycentrus sp., previously known to occur only in the Cascade mountains. Headwater streams within these managed forests of northwestern Oregon appear to be taxa rich, continue to support taxa limited to headwater streams, and harbor taxa about which little is known.
Canadian Science Publishing
Ecology,Forestry,Global and Planetary Change
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22 articles.