1. Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada
2. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada
3. Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada
4. Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, University of Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 35051, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
5. Statens Naturhistoriske Museum, Københavns Universitet, 1350 København K, Denmark
6. The University of Sydney, Sydney Institute of Agriculture, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, NSW 2006, Australia
7. School of Social Science, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia
8. Department of Archaeology, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, 07745, Germany
9. Department of Archaeological Sciences, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, Einsteinweg 2, 2333CC Leiden, the Netherlands
10. School of Art, Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, Republic of Singapore
11. Saskatchewan Structural Sciences Centre, University of Saskatchewan, 110 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5C9, Canada
12. College of Agriculture and Bioresources, University of Saskatchewan, 51 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A8, Canada
13. Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3DZ, England