Li Lianxiang,Desser Sherwin S.
The parasitic Protozoa of seven species of freshwater fish (the cyprinids Notropis cornutus, Notropis heterolepis, Notemigonus crysoleucas, and Semotilus atromaculatus; the percid Perca flavescens; the centrarchid Lepomis gibbosus; and the salmonid Salvelinus fontinalis) are described from Lake Sasajewun and Lake Opeongo, Algonquin Park, Ontario. The parasites include 1 species of Hexamita, 6 species of Goussia, 2 species of Eimeria, 3 species of Octosporella, 30 species of Myxosporea, and 9 species of Ciliata. Fifteen new species are described: Goussia notropicum, Goussia notemigonica, Sphaerospora diminuta, Myxobolus heterolepis, Myxobolus lepomicus, Myxobolus paralintoni, Myxobolus gibbosus, Myxobolus wellerae, Myxobolus schuberti, Myxobolus pseudokoi, Myxobolus pellicdes, Thelohanellus oviformis, Myxobilatus semotilii, Trichodina opeongoensis, and Apiosoma triangularis. The relative distribution of the parasites and their prevalence in fish from the two lakes, and the global distribution of protozoan parasites of fish are discussed.
Canadian Science Publishing
Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics