Small intestinal herniation through the broad ligament in a mare outside of the gestation period – a case report


Crecan Cristian,Morar Iancu,Mircean Mircea V.,Oros Daniela,Muresan Alexandra,Taulescu Marian


A Furioso-North Star mare, aged 8 years, was examined for colic signs. The mare had a history of dystocia and post partum vaginal lacerations, acute endometritis and laminitis approximately one year before the admission for colic. Signs of persistent abdominal pain, moderate distended abdomen, non-passage of manure, fever, tachycardia, tachypnoea, congested mucus membranes, and “toxic line” were recorded. No intestinal borborygmi were present in the four quarters of the abdomen. On rectal examination, the colon, the ventral band of the caecum, the right ovary and the uterine horn were palpated on the right side of the abdomen. The spleen, the nephrosplenic ligament, the left ovary and a firm, distended and painful small intestine (SI) loop were palpated on the left side. The left uterine horn and the adjacent broad ligament were not detectable. Percutaneous abdominal ultrasound evaluation revealed a large amount of fluid in the abdominal cavity, SI distention and absence of peristalsis. Abdominocentesis yielded approximately 20 ml of red-tinged peritoneal fluid with increased mean protein concentration (5.2 mg/dl), white blood cell count (12,550 cells/μl), and lactate (14 mmol/dl). A presumptive diagnosis of SI strangulation was made. Surgical resection of the affected intestinal loops was recommended. Due to poor prognosis and financial limitations, the mare was euthanized. Post mortem macroscopic diagnosis was a herniation of 3 metres of the mid-jejunum through the left mesometrium, resulting in a complete and complicated strangulation. To prevent this type of SI strangulation, we recommend transrectal palpation of the urogenital tract (including the broad ligament) after foaling. If a defect is identified, we recommend flank laparoscopy for correction.


University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences


General Veterinary

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