Langerhans Cells in Feline Foetal Epidermis - Immunohistochemical Study of Spatial Distribution


Gorošová A.,Matalová E.,Kociánová I.,Tichý F.


Langerhans cells belong to the skin-associated lymphatic tissue (SALT). They are antigenpresenting cells derived from monocyte precursors in the bone marrow. The distribution of Langerhans cells was investigated in feline foetuses on day 40 of ontogenesis, in 9 selected body regions: regio intermandibularis, regio axilaris, regio prepubica, regio inguinalis, regio parietalis, regio interdigitalis, regio thoracis, regio sacralis and regio caudalis. Mouse monoclonal antibody against CD1 receptor (epitope CD1a) was applied to localize Langerhans cells in the skin samples. The highest number of Langerhans cells was found in biopsy of the dorsal part of the feline foetuses. Langerhans cells were present particularly among keratinocytes of stratum germinativum (stratum basale and stratum spinosum), scattered or clustered among epidermal cells closing the hair canal in the region close to the hair follicle. Langerhans cells were further located among cells of outer root sheath in the region of hair follicle infundibulum close to ostium of sebaceous glands ductus, some were found also in the upper part of the hair follicle isthmus. Langerhans cells seem to participate in skin disorders related to hypersensitivity and even tumour transformations. Distribution of these cells may play a role in disease predispositions; knowledge of the physiology and pathophysiology of Langerhans cells opens possible targeted treatments in veterinary medicine.


University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences


General Veterinary







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