Yarnall Matthew,Jolivet Edmond,Chevalier Mathieu,Bolon Arnaud,Tiberghien Marie-Pascale,Huňady Milan,Philippe Corinne
Three field studies (Phase 4, immediate efficacy) were conducted with an inactivated, adjuvanted, tri or quadri-valent respiratory vaccine for cattle (bovine respiratory syncytial virus [BRSV], parainfluenza 3 virus [Pi3V], Mannheimia haemolytica ± bovine viral diarrhoea virus [BVDV]), compared to competitor vaccines, in three different production systems: allotted fattening bulls, beef calves on their farm of birth, allotted veal calves. Mortality, morbidity, pre and post-vaccinal serological data (ELISA and virus neutralising titres) were compared between groups. There were no significant differences in mortality and morbidity between the groups. In the fattening bulls study, significantly fewer bovine respiratory disease treatments were administered to animals in the Bovalto group. Virus neutralising titre results were not different between groups, except for BVDV in Study 3 where a BVDV outbreak was observed.
University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences
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