1. Centre de Didactique et de Pédagogie Universitaire de Tunis
Despite its going importance, the evaluation of the students' acquisitions is still the most obscure point in the literature devoted to the university pedagogy. Hence, considering the absence of precise data about the performance indicators and evaluation criteria of students at the high level, this research asks the following question: « Does the way of conceiving the evaluation of the students' acquisition is made answer adequately to the criteria of pertinence and validity? ».
The main objective if this study is to assess the pertinence of the objectives of the training (coherence with the training profile) and measure the validity of what students have acquired (coherence with the objectives stated). This study focuses on 42 exams of the same masters specialised in subject didactics. Through different content analysis strategies, the findings show the difficulties faced by universities to implement pertinent and valid evaluation.
Association Marocaine pour l'Amelioration de la Qualite de l'Enseignement
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