Priority areas of innovation activities in ukraine and its implementation


Kvasha T. K.1ORCID,Paladchenko O. F.1ORCID,Molchanova I. V.1ORCID


1. Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information


The article is devoted to the results of a study of the state of implementation of the innovation activity priority areas by budget managers in Ukraine in 2021. The study was carried out within the framework of current legislation by the method of monitoring using a comparative analysis, which is conducted annually by the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information, on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, which, based on its results, informs the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Based on the results of the research, generalized conclusions were made that in 2021 there were an increase in the demand of the business sector for innovative developments and an increase in the amount of budget financing of strategic and medium-term priority areas of innovative activity at the national level with positive dynamics of financing for 2019–2021. Appropriate proposals for activation and increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative activities according to strategic priorities to ensure the innovative development of the domestic economy were provided.


State Scientific Institution - Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Info


General Medicine

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1. Financing innovations in the agricultural industry as a component of the digital development of Ukraine’s economy;Scientific Bulletin of Mukachevo State University Series “Economics”;2023-10-24







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