Theoretical background of estimation methodology for intellectual property objects investment attractiveness


Reva O. M.1,Borsuk S. P.2,Zasanska S. V.1,Yarotskyi S. V.3


1. State Institution “Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information”

2. Wenzhou University

3. National Aviaion University


Technology transfer efficiency directly depends on the rate of intellectual property objects attractiveness. These objects involved in this process are selected by the technology user. Investment attractiveness of these objects is the only one that possess emergence property. It allows to compare different objects via same criteria. Theoretical groundings of investment attractiveness integral estimate are developed in this proceeding. The methodology is based on system analysis and decision-making theory. Namely it includes single-step decision-making task with vector efficiency index. Intellectual property objects estimation with indexes is taking into account. It is proven that experts’ individual preferences systems on the defined set of criteria determine experts’ “tastes”. They are considered as pattern masks for correspondent proper conclusion. Statistically agreed group preferences system demonstrates experts’ generalized opinion and should be used as a base for final conclusion about efficiency of intellectual property estimation indexes significance. Expression rate of these indexes has qualitative linguistic type. It is the same as for their ranks in the preferences systems. Thus they might be subjected to defuzzification procedure by significance coefficients application. This task is simply completed with priority arrangement method implementation. Multiplicative approach to the partial efficiency significance estimates aggregation is described. It provides integral estimate that characterizes single efficiency index and allows further indexes aggregation into single parameter. It determines attractiveness of intellectual property object and supports avoidance of mistakes of I and II type. Integral innovative intellectual property object attractiveness estimates are subjected to the normal distribution law. As an example the criteria of fuzzification implementation for multiple estimates are developed. This provides qualitative-quantitative research of considered objects.


State Scientific Institution - Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Info

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