Status and problems of financing the scientific sphere as a result of monitoring


Kuranda T. K.1ORCID,Kochetkova O. P.1ORCID


1. State Institution “Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information”


Scientific research, new knowledge, technological innovations are the main source of economic growth of the state, ensuring its national security, competitiveness and living standards. The development of science in any country is influenced by global trends in knowledge generation, key factors influencing science and technology policy, global trends in research and development spending. Budget funding for science is a key government tool that supports the activities of public sector organizations of science, universities, regulates the development of priority areas of science and innovation. The state of scientific potential, its effectiveness for the country’s economy is determined by the adequacy of funds needed to perform competitive research and development, which are in demand in both domestic and foreign markets. The article considers the global costs of research and development in the United States, leading countries in Europe and Asia, shows trends in their change. The results of comparative assessment of financial costs of the world’s leading countries for research and development are presented. A brief analysis of current trends in the field of research is presented. Based on the results of the monitoring, the current state of indicators of financing of scientific and scientific-technical activity in Ukraine, volumes of budgetary financing of scientific researches and developments on priority directions of development of science and technology are analyzed. It is determined that neither the amount of budget funding nor the structure of expenditures on research and development do not meet the requirements of innovative economic development and building a knowledge-based society.


State Scientific Institution - Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Info

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