Technological platforms in the field of innovation — trends in Еurope and Ukraine


Balanchuk I. S.1ORCID,Mykhalchenkova O. Ye.1ORCID


1. State Institution “Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information”


The terms “technological platform”, “innovation platform” have long been included in the activities of scientists and researchers from both Europe and Ukraine. The 21st century is associated with the economic integration of all developed countries in the field of science-intensive technologies and innovation. Technological platforms act as a fully functional mechanism in the integration process; participation in such platforms is considered almost the only way to join global innovation processes. The briefly get acquainted with the history of the creation and the initial period of operation of the first technological platforms in the European Union are propose in the article. The brief classification of types of technological platforms, its functions, prerequisites for creation, features, tasks, stages of development are provided. The types of network connections of individual countries in technology platforms are analyzed. The characteristic of the situation on the technological platforms creation and functioning in Ukraine is given; the subtype of platforms as information technology platforms is emphasized. It is concluded that the current situation requires the creation and participation in technological and information technology platforms, but in condition when all other mechanisms of innovation have been used in the full form.


State Scientific Institution - Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Info

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