1. Ukrainian Institute for Scientific, Technical Expertise and Information
The author continues a series of research on the history, features and key moments of the emergence of innovative systems in Scandinavian countries. Scientific-innovative ecosystems have already been analyzed in such countries of Northern Europe as Sweden, Finland, Iceland. The next step is to familiarize you with the peculiarities of innovation in Denmark.
Since Denmark is in the northern part of Europe, part of the Scandinavian countries, it is natural that the development of the Danish political, economic and social systems was in close connection with the evolution of the same systems in other states of the region. The same can be said about the development of the scientific component of the Danish statehood. And although Denmark has a number of its own, not similar features – natural resources, population composition, relief, etc. – the formation of the innovation system in it was entirely under the so-called “Scandinavian” scenario, that is moderately, consistently and evenly.
In the course of studying this topic, the author tried to use already existing at present scientific work of foreign and domestic scientists. Unfortunately, with a large number of studies of innovative systems in Europe and its north, analytical reviews of the Danish subjects are practically absent. Therefore, the author widely used the statistical data and scientific reviews of the official sites of the European Union, the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, etc. The informative reports and analytical publications edited by these organizations have greatly contributed to a deeper analysis of the process of becoming, and especially the current state of the Danish innovation system, comparing it with other countries in the region and the world.
In addition to the statistics, the study provides a brief historical background on the beginning of the country’s innovation – listed basic legal documents, analyzed the main components of the innovation system, called the leading “players” of the innovation process in Denmark.
Concluding and looking for parallels for Ukraine, it became clear that at this stage of development, our states are very different from each other. The population, the territory, the minerals, and most importantly, the political, economic, social situation and, above all, the security picture are the main factors that make Ukraine and Denmark completely different from each other. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to provide practical recommendations for reforms in Ukraine under the “Danish” scenario.
However, for today in Ukraine, we have a transition period, when a complete change of the state course in all directions is possible. Therefore, the author still hopes for at least a partial embodiment of the “Danish” (or “Scandinavian”) scenario in the development of the innovation system in Ukraine.
State Scientific Institution - Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Info
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