Taylor Charlotte M.,Maldonado Carla
Review of Dialypetalantheae (formerly called Condamineeae; Rubiaceae) with capsular fruits in western South America has clarified the identities of several names in our current circumscriptions of these genera, discovered some new species, and found new specimens that shed light on some poorly known species. Here, updated generic circumscriptions and characterizations are outlined for Bathysa C. Presl, Elaeagia Wedd., Holtonia Standl., and Warszewiczia Klotzsch, with several species reclassified among them. Five new combinations are published here: B. grandis (Rusby) C. M. Taylor & Maldonado is based on Malanea grandis Rusby; B. mollis (Rusby) C. M. Taylor & Maldonado is based on E. mollis Rusby; B. subspicata (Standl.) C. M. Taylor is based on E. subspicata Standl.; E. ambigua (Standl.) Maldonado & C. M. Taylor is based on W. ambigua Standl.; and H. microcarpa (Ruiz & Pav.) C. M. Taylor is based on Macrocnemum microcarpum Ruiz & Pav. Seven new species are described here: B. schunkei C. M. Taylor, from central Peru; E. homeieri C. M. Taylor, from Ecuador; Rustia delpreteana C. M. Taylor, from northern Colombia; R. ucayalina C. M. Taylor, from central Peru; Schizocalyx ecuadorensis C. M. Taylor, from northwestern Ecuador; S. magdalenae C. M. Taylor, from northern Colombia; and S. magnorum C. M. Taylor, from Bolivia. The typification of several names is clarified here: the types of E. utilis (Goudot) Wedd. and W. peltata Wedd. have been located, and lectotypes are designated here for Exostema (Pers.) Bonpl. sect. Pseudostemma DC., Elaeagia mariae Wedd., Elaeagia mollis Rusby, Elaeagia obovata Rusby, Malanea grandis Rusby, and W. cordata Spruce ex K. Schum. The identities of some additional names are clarified here: Chimarrhis goudotii Baill. and Sickingia myriantha Standl. are synonyms of H. microcarpa; Elaeagia glomiflora Standl. is a synonym of B. mollis; Ferdinandusa leucantha Standl. is a synonym of Agouticarpa isernii (Standl.) C. H. Perss.; and W. peltata Wedd. and W. cordata Spruce ex K. Schum. are separate species from W. coccinea (Vahl) Klotzsch.
Missouri Botanical Garden Press
Plant Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics