In the study, the concept of innovation, which is an important phenomenon in the process of economic growth and development, has been analyzed. This study aims to reveal the relationship between innovation, which is an important factor in economic development and growth, and research and development expenditures. In the study, an econometric model was established in order to determine the effect of research and development expenditures on innovation. In this model, the number of domestic patent applications was taken to represent innovation as the dependent variable. As independent variables; R&D expenditures and gross capital data were used. Panel data analysis was conducted for the sample of 35 countries, covering the period 2000-2019. The country sample was formed from among the top 49 countries whose data is available in the 2022 global innovation index ranking.
In the analysis, it has been concluded that R&D expenditures have a significant positive effect on innovation. The gross capital variable, on the other hand, negatively affects the patent variable, which represents innovation. In the study, it was concluded that R&D expenditures have a significant positive effect on innovation. In order to increase innovation, countries should first allocate more resources to research and development activities.
Gazi Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi
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