This paper delves into the intricate semantic nuances and sociopragmatic functions inherent in the Marathi address term “mauli” in the context of a colossal religious gathering. Through morphosyntactic analysis, it uncovers the term’s grammatical gender and its generic usage to encompass feminine and motherly attributes, embracing inclusiveness and generosity. Drawing from primary data collected during the Asadhi pilgrimage of 2023 through semi-structured interviews and participant observations, supplemented by secondary sources such as albums and songs, the study quantitatively and qualitatively examines the frequency and contextual use of “mauli”. Findings reveal its multifaceted sociopragmatic functions, including identity establishment, solidarity marking, politeness expression, and religiosity demonstration. However, its efficacy is constrained by temporal and spatial limitations, potentially hindering broader societal benefits. This exploration sheds light on the complex interplay between linguistic expressions, social dynamics, and religious practices within the Marathi cultural milieu.
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