The influence of psychophysiological characteristics of students on the learning process in a distance format (based on student self-observation)


Osipova Elena V.1ORCID,Borisenko Yelena Yu.1ORCID,Kirilova Irina A.1ORCID


1. Irkutsk State University


The problem of distance learning (DL) has become highly relevant since the pandemic period of coronavirus infection, when all higher educational institutions switched to this type of learning. The introduction of this technology entailed changes in the organization of the learning process, the development of methodological materials by the teacher, which the student can use both in full-time and distance format. The article presents an example of organization of independent research work of bachelors, studying in the field of training 44.03.05 ‟Pedagogical education (with two profiles)” on the assessment of adaptation reserves of the body depending on the relationship to distance learning of 1st year students, studying from March to June 2020. The example of the organization of independent work presented in this article can be described as a student project, allowing to solve the problems of expanding and consolidating knowledge, and developing skills of self-organization, development of skills of independent theoretical, practical and educational-research activities in distance learning. The results of students' independent research work showed that distance learning affects the mental state and functional characteristics of the cardiovascular system, which confirms the need to consider the individual psychophysiological characteristics of students in the introduction of new educational standards.


Kostroma State University


Building and Construction

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