Comparison of spontaneous and thematic play in modern preschool children


Dostanov Mikhail M.1ORCID


1. Institute of Psychology Russian Academy of Sciences


The article presents the results of a study of the features of the play activity of preschool children in two types of games: spontaneous and thematic play, with the guidance from an adult. The relevance of the study is due to the changes that the structure and organization of the modern preschool children's play is undergoing. The purpose of this study was to study the features of spontaneous play of modern children and compare it with the features manifested in the play in which an adult provides guidance to children. The study involved 71 students of the state budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow, aged 4-6 years. The main method of research was the included observation of children's play activity. The results of the study showed that the guiding help of an adult contributes to a greater complication of the structure of the game: plot, roles, etc. It was also found that a plot without clear boundaries and a generalized role, implying many other roles, also contribute to the development of the structure of the game and support the game motivation of children. In most free play, complex plots and pronounced roles were absent. In the overwhelming case, the plots of the games were the execution of separate template, stereotypical actions with objects. The course of the play was often interrupted due to the children switching to extraneous stimuli that were not related to the play in any way. The results obtained can be used for further study of the modern play of preschoolers and the role of an adult in it.


Kostroma State University


Building and Construction

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