Social and personal identity of gifted primary schoolchildren


Gudzovskaya Alla A.1ORCID


1. Institute for Research on Social Phenomena


Education in a specialised class is considered as a social factor influencing the identity of intellectually and academically gifted primary school children. An analysis of the empirical results of the study of social and personal identity of intellectually and academically gifted third-formers studying in a specialised class is given. The identity of gifted pupils is multilevel, multicomponent, in terms of differentiation, it is ahead of the development of the identity of their peers. Most gifted children in a specialised class are satisfied with their identity. At the same time, the problems of environmental friendliness of differentiation of classes by the level of academic success are noted. Peers of gifted children attending the same school often have a negative identity, that is, negative self-perception.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research


Kostroma State University

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