Secondary vocational education: necessity of structural changes


Listvin Alexsander A.1ORCID,Garth Marina A.1ORCID


1. Cherepovets State University


The domestic system of secondary vocational education (SPE), despite the declared growth in its popularity in recent years, is systematically criticized for inertia and lagging behind technological changes in the economy and, as a result, not meeting its need for qualified workers. The quantitative accumulation of negative factors dictates the need for qualitative structural changes in the STR system. The state program measures planned earlier and not completed to date have not yielded positive results in improving the efficiency of its functioning. The proposed new project – "Professionalism", positioned as a new level of education, can be considered as an opportunity for a comprehensive restructuring of the system of vocational education in Russia. Based on the methods of comparative and retrospective analysis of statistical data from Russian and international studies, content analysis of the websites of SPO institutions, a conclusion is made about the need for structural changes in the SPO system. One of the main results of the study was the analysis of the reasons for the asynchronous functioning of the SPO system and the personnel needs of enterprises, as well as possible options for organizing the educational process in vocational education institutions within the framework of the "Professionalism" project. The practical significance of the research is to demonstrate the possibilities of retrospective, prognostic and comparative analyses in assessing the activities of SPE institutions and their transformation into other educational systems.


Kostroma State University


Building and Construction

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