Specifics of modern spontaneous play in preschool children


Dostanov Mikhail M.1ORCID


1. Institute of Psychology Russian Academy of Sciences (IP RAS)


The article presents results obtained during the study of various features of preschool children`s play activity. The purpose of this study is to investigate the state of free spontaneous modern preschoolers` play, including role play, or pretend play. The study setting is a state secondary in Moscow. The study involved 26 pupils aged 4 to 6 years. The main study method was included observation of children's play activities. The results showed that modern preschoolers` games plots were mainly reproductive, consisted of stereotypical actions. For the development of the plot and the game as a whole, children needed guidance from an adult. It was found that in most games, the role was missing. Its manifestations, such as role-playing speech, actions according to the role, were extremely rare. Also, in most groups of children, there was a frequent distraction to extraneous stimuli, which almost immediately ruined the course of the game. The data obtained can be used to understand better and study contemporary children's play further.


Kostroma State University


Building and Construction

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