Development and justification of a methodology for studying the development of value-semantic foundations of the content of Russian pedagogical education (on a sample of students of a pedagogical university)


Khodyrev Alexander M.1ORCID


1. Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky


The author of the article presents the results of testing the methodology he developed, “Methodology for determining the features of the development of value-semantic foundations of the content of pedagogical education.” The substantiation of the author's methodology was carried out on a sample of students from the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky. The methodology was developed with the aim of identifying the peculiarities of the development of the value-semantic foundations of the content of Russian pedagogical education. The basis for the methodology was the traditional values listed in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Fundamentals of State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values” dated November 9, 2022, as well as the list of universal competencies presented in the requirements for the results of mastering the undergraduate program of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, and the results of the author’s preliminary empirical study to identify significant values and value attitudes among students during their studies at a pedagogical university. The results of testing the author’s methodology presented in the article proved its validity and reliability. The description of the testing results showed a high degree of consistency between the scales of the methods (the tested method “Methodology for determining the features of the development of value-semantic foundations of the content of pedagogical education” and the method “Diagnostics of the real structure of a person’s value orientation” by S.S. Bubnova). At the same time, the revealed substantive consistency in the students’ answers is even higher than in the sample of teachers, that is, students are already studying in programs that are focused on professional pedagogical values; students have them more clearly represented in the value-motivational structure of professional activity compared to teachers.


Kostroma State University

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