Creating a questionnaire on transforming pedagogues' labour behaviour in the digital information environment


Patrakov Eduard V.1ORCID


1. Ural Federal University


The intensive digitalisation of education has generated the problem of researching the transformation of pedagogues' labour behaviour in both secondary and higher education. The questionnaire of pedagogue labour behaviour transformation in digital information environment is proposed by the author based on the ecopsychological typology of interactions between the subject and the environment (Viktor Panov). In a sample of pedagogues of higher and general education (51 respondents in 5 focus groups and 98, questionnaires) the results on the relationship of the questionnaire scales with orientation, depersonalisation and personality adaptation were obtained. The internal consistency (0.620) suggests that the application of the questionnaire is currently possible in psychological support for educational process digitalisation. At the same time, investigations into the determination of labour behaviour in the digital environment and the recruitment of new data for the verification of the questionnaire are ongoing. The application of the questionnaire is possible in psychological analysis, when both organising investigations and psychologically accompanying the educational process, in assisting pedagogues to more effectively master digital ways of interaction.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research


Kostroma State University

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