The influence of state policy on the development of Soviet out-of-school chemistry education in the 1920


Polupanenko Elena G.1ORCID


1. Lugansk Pedagogic University


The article presents an analysis of the actual Soviet practice of out-of-school chemistry education in the early years of the Soviet power and the changes that took place in out-of-school education in the new educational environment under the influence of socio-political factors. A description of the main modernisation processes in the education system as a whole, which influenced the development and improvement of Soviet out-of-school chemistry education in the 1920s, is presented. The main legislative acts and decrees of the Soviet government in the field of out-of-school education in the 1920s, which led to the renewal of the goals and content of additional chemistry education in accordance with the tasks of global polytechnic national education of the people, are considered. At the legislative level, the Soviet power had returned the management of out-of-school education to the People's Commissariat for Education, which contributed to its development and the variety of its directions and forms. The article focuses on the need to carefully study the positive historical experience of organising out-of-school chemistry education in the 1920s in order to identify the directions of its modernisation at the present stage of development of the system of additional education for schoolchildren.


Kostroma State University

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