1. Dobrosklonskaja T.G. Voprosy izuchenija mediatekstov (opyt issledovanija sovremennoj anglijskoj mediarechi) [Issues in the Study of Media Texts (Experience in the Study of Modern English Media Speech)], 2nd, stereotypic, edition. Moscow, Editorial URSS Publ., 2005, 288 p. (In Russ.)
2. Spodarets O.O. Realizatsiia strategii sub"ektivizatsii v novostnom politicheskom media-diskurse (na materiale sovremennogo angliiskogo iazyka): dis. ... kand. filol. nauk. [Implementation of the Subjectivization Strategy in Political News Media Discourse (in Modern English): PhD thesis]. Ufa, 2011, 24 p. (In Russ.)
3. Strokan E.V. Jazykovye sredstva vyrazhenija ocenki instituta monarhii (na materiale sovremennoj britanskoj pressy) [Linguistic means of assessing the institution of the monarchy (in the modern British press)]: Philological sciences candidate’s thesis. Saint Petersburg, 2021, 196 p. (In Russ.)
4. Telegina V.A. Sredstva vyrazheniia otsenki v kharakteristike politicheskoi elity (na materiale sovremennoi frantsuzskoi pressy): dis. ... kand. filol. nauk. [Means of Evaluation in Characterising the Political Elite (in the Modern French Press): PhD thesis]. Belgorod, 2021, 200 p. (In Russ.)
5. Zimina E.A. Ocenochnye strategii informacionnyh statej i kommentariev v nemeckojazychnom gazetnom diskurse: dis. ... kand. filol. nauk [Evaluative strategies of news articles and commentaries in German-language newspaper discourse: PhD thesis]. Moscow, 2005, 179 p. (In Russ.)