
Dzyubenko Anna I.1ORCID


1. Southern Federal University


Topicality of studying the artistic image, its ontological status and complex of functions in the paradigm of modern linguistics is determined by the need to understand the specifics of an artistic text as a result of the verbal and mental activity of the author and the receptive-interpretative activity of the reader in the process of aesthetic communication. An artistic image embodies the main qualities of an artistic text – its conceptual inability to reflect objective reality within the framework of conventionality or life-like strategies. A literary text appeals to the network of associative connections that arise for the addressee of an aesthetic statement in the process of perceiving such a text on the basis of everyday and spiritual experience, background knowledge, including those determined by the general cultural outlook of the individual. In the process of research, it was proven that an artistic image arises in the process of abstraction and in an artistic text can be realised through metaphors, as a result of which the reader gets the opportunity to decode implicit meanings with the help of visual representations and verbalise them. Based on the texts of novels by Vladimir Orlov “Danilov, the Violist”, “Pharmacist” and “Shevrikuka” it is established that the cognitive organisation of an artistic image is determined by metaphorical framing, which forms the foundation of artistic fiction: there is a transfer by similarity in relation to situations, events, characteristics of characters represented in artistic text, and knowledge, values and meanings that form the foundation of the addressee’s worldview.


Kostroma State University

Reference21 articles.

1. Babenko L.G. Filologicheskii analiz teksta. Osnovy teorii, printsipy i aspekty analiza: uchebnik dlia studentov filologicheskikh spetsial'nostei vuzov [Philological analysis of the text. Fundamentals of theory, principles and aspects of analysis: a textbook for students of philological specialties of universities]. Moscow, Akadem. Proekt; Ekaterinburg: Delovaia kniga Publ., 2004, 462 p. (In Russ.).

2. Gal'perin I.R. Tekst kak ob"ekt lingvisticheskogo issledovaniia [Text as an object of linguistic research]. Moscow, KomKniga Publ., 2007, 144 p. (Lingvisticheskoe nasledie ХХ veka). (In Russ.)

3. Kant I. Sochineniia: v 6 t. Т. 5 [Essays: in 6 vols. Vol. 5]. Moscow, Mysl' Publ., 1966, 564 p. (In Russ.)

4. Karasik V.I. Iazykovoi krug: lichnost', kontsepty, diskurs [Language circle: personality, concepts, discourse]. Moscow, Gnozis Publ., 2004, 389 p. (In Russ.)

5. Khalizev V.E. Teoriia literatury [Theory of literature]: uchebnik dlia studentov vuzov, 4-e izd., ispr. i dop. Moscow, Vysshaya shkola Publ., 2004, 404 p. (In Russ.)







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