1. Bunin Yelets State University
The article deals with the issue of linguistic means of representing geocultural images of territories in the online tourist discourse. Topicality of the work is due to a set of reasons: the cultivation of certain images of territories in the geocultural regional policy; the interest of scientists in analysing the linguistic features of online tourist discourse; the unexplored linguistic component of different geocultural brands. The subject of the study is the means of explication of the geocultural brand Yelets. The research material is texts posted on the sites of travel agencies and tour operators. The study found that in the online tourist discourse, the geocultural brand Yelets is represented by a set of linguistic means: an extensive system of onyms among which, oikonyms, oronyms, potamonyms, urbanonyms, ecclesionyms, anthroponyms, etc. are marked; some appellatives such as страж (guardian), сокровищница (treasury), музей (museum), воин (warrior), etc., attributive vocabulary; a number of phrases, including the otonymous adjective елецкий. It is noted that the semantic dominant of the texts is the asti onym Yelets, which is thematically, contextually and associatively connected with all other onyms, appellatives and characteristic vocabulary. The authors come to the conclusion that the system of linguistic means used, actualising a number of stereotypes, helps the addressee to form in its mind the image of the ancient provincial city in the core of Russia with a certain historical and cultural background.
Kostroma State University
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