1. Ассоциация парентерального и энтерального питания
2. National Anti-Doping Center of Ukraine
Objective. In the light of the IOC Consensus Statement, to develop the modern ideas about the directions of development of sports nutrition science, its basic principles, problems and prospects for their solution. Methods. Analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature, and normative documents on this issue. Results. The generalization of published data on the basis of the IOC Consensus Statement on the use of dietary supplements among highly qualified athletes made it possible to develop not only the concept of sports nutrition science as a new field of scientific knowledge and practical application, but also to outline the main principles for its implementation in the practice of athletes’ training and to highlight the main groups of supplements that can be used in high performance sport. It was emphasized that the strategic directions for the implementation of the Consensus Statement published in March 2018 are the stimulation of physical performance and the acceleration of recovery processes and the preservation of the health of athletes through the rational and reasonable use of nutritional supplements, functional foods, and individual nutrients. For the first time, the concept of ergogenic nutritional aids was developed that makes it possible in the future to revise the system of pharmacological support of sports training. Conclusion. It was emphasized that the applied nutritional aids must meet the quality standards for nutritional supplements, while ensuring proper control over their production, distribution, and, especially, the use by athletes. Methods of nutritional support for physical activity should take into account the specialization and qualifi cation of athletes, their sex and age characteristics, and should be applied depending on the period of preparation and focus of training loads. In connection with the improvement of the methods and the tightening of the procedure for doping control, it is extremely important that nutritional ergogenic agents do not contain substances belonging to the WADA Prohibited List, while providing a pronounced effect of stimulating performance along with maintaining the mental and physical health of athletes.
National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
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