The choice of an occupation is an important step in everyone's life. The greatest risk that a wrong choice entails is for the person to be forced to do a job he/she does not enjoy. So careers advice is a vital prerequisite for a successful career. Experience shows that an effective career is directly dependent on the successful choice of an occupation. The performance of various tasks during the pre-graduation traineeship of future nurses will make them feel satisfied with the profession they have chosen and will act as a stimulus for them to practice the said profession. Aim: This study aims to verify the formation and improvement of professional skills and qualities of the nurses-to-be during their pre-graduation traineeship. Material and methods: We have surveyed the opinions of trainee nurses, students majoring in 'Nursing', as well as those of their mentors in the university hospitals and clinics. Results and discussion: It is a positive fact that for the surveyed students, the most important is the moral qualities that correspond to the moral values in the nursing profession. The fact that the respondents' rate as most significant moral qualities, such as honesty, integrity, responsibility, responsiveness and empathy, can serve as grounds for positive forecasts concerning the future development of the students, provided their further development is organized correctly. Conclusion: We have established that professional skills and qualities are developed and improved during the pre-graduation traineeship of the future nurses.
Peytchinski Publishing Ltd.