Purpose: To determine the importance of the nursery for the implementation of health education in early childhood. Materials and methods: - Comprehensive medical and social research (2015-2018) - Sociological methods: documentary, questionnaire and observation - Participants 533 people in total. The survey data were processed with STATGRAPHICS statistical software packages; SPSS 19 and EXCEL for Windows. The results are described by tables, graphs and numerical indicators for structure, frequency, averages, correlation coefficients and others. Results: 83.88% (n = 360) of the parents share that they observe a change in their children from the moment they start attending crèches. There is a significant difference in the habits learned by the children, at the beginning of the observation and at the end (p <0.05; r> 0.7). Conclusion: The nursery is both an opportunity and a means for better health through the health-educational process that takes place in it. It is a major factor playing an important role in shaping the personality and laying the foundations of its attitude to health.
Peytchinski Publishing Ltd.