Purpose: Wild edible mushrooms are collected and consumed for centuries worldwide and in Bulgaria as well. This questionnaire investigation aimed at assessing some common mushroom usage practices in a random sample from the population in Varna region, Bulgaria. Material/Methods: We performed a study of 200 adult individuals, 100 males and 100 females, from Varna region using anonymous questionnaire with 12 basic items about wild edible mushroom usage. Statistical data processing was performed using descriptive methods and correlation analysis. Results: There was a prevalence of male and female individuals with secondary and higher education. Most respondents preferred wild edible mushroom gathering in contrast to purchasing. The positive attitude towards wild edible mushroom usage as food is more common in males than in females. Most respondents consumed wild edible mushroom several times during any year. There were statistically significant correlations between urban main residence, on one hand, and wild edible mushroom non-nutritional usage, cooking, drying, preservation and freezing, on the other hand; between secondary educational level, on one hand, and positive attitude towards nutritional usage of wild edible mushrooms, wild edible mushroom cooking, preservation, freezing and drying and applications as therapeutic means; as well as between individual female sex belonging and wild edible mushroom applications as therapeutic means, on the other hand. Conclusion: This questionnaire investigation revealed several interesting peculiarities of the attitudes towards wild edible mushrooms among the population of Varna region and the extent of usage of common mushrooms depending on sex, educational level and main residence of respondents.
Peytchinski Publishing Ltd.