1. T. A. PARISH and E. L. DRAPER, Jr. “Neutronic and Photonic Analysis of Simulated Fusion Reactor Blankets Containing Thorium and Uranium,” ESL-16, The University of Texas at Austin (Oct. 1973).
2. H. C. HONECK, “ENDF/B Specifications for an Evaluated Nuclear Data File for Reactor Applications,” BNL-50066 (T-467) ENF-102, Brookhaven National Laboratory (1968).
3. R. Q. WRIGHT, N. M. GREENE, J. L. LUCIAS, and C. W. CRAVEN, Jr. “SUPERTOG: A Program to Generate Fine Group Constants andPnScattering Matrices from ENDF/B,” ORNL-TM-2679, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Sep. 1969).
4. M. D. GOLDBERG et al. “Neutron Cross-Sections,” BNL-325, 2nd ed. Brookhaven National Laboratory and Associated Universities, Inc. (1964).